Last year David decided he wanted to have a beach body. The problem was, he had the “I am obviously really good at World of Warcraft look.”But he worked at it, and soon he had what he wanted—a beach body, and a great transformation story. Here’s the picture:
Now check this:
Once his transformation was complete, he was featured on as one of their monthly transformations.
And now, months later, he’s in the running to land a two-page spread in Iron Man Magazine.
How crazy is that?
I bet if I sat David down a year ago, and asked him, “Think you ever have a shot of landing a two-page spread in a fitness magazine?”
He probably would have laughed.
COVER story in Small Business Monthly as one of St. Louis’s Fittest CEOs. Here’s the picture:
(By the way, if you loved David’s transformation, help him land that 2-page magazine spread in Iron Magazine by voting for him here).
The Secret to a Great Transformation Is…
I’ve told people about the power of transformations before, but they almost always say something like, “Well, it’s been done before.”
But here’s the deal:
The secret to a great transformation has nothing to do with whether the transformation was unique.
It’s simple. EVERY transformation is unique because when you add a new person into the mix, it’s unique by default.
Then what’s the secret?
The secret is CONTRAST. The more contrast between the before and the after, the better.
What If I Never Transformed Myself?
That’s a good question.
And the answer is it doesn’t matter.
You don’t have to be the person who trasnformed. You can simply write about someone else who transformed…much like what I’m doing here.
What Types of Transformations Work?
Despite the media being overrun with negativity, the best transformation stories are positive.
No one wants to read about someone who went from fit to flab. They want to see someone go from undesirable to extremely desirable.
People look at those transformation stories, and imprint themselves on the person who transformed.
Or, in other words, people want to imagine themselves going through that same transformation.
So, unless you’re dealing with some kind of weirdo, no one wants to imagine themselves going from debt-free to debt-ridden.